On Friday evening ~ Sunday morning, all of the Newsong treX mission teams (Irvine & NOC) gathered at Thousand Pines Retreat center for a time of worship, prayer, solitude, team bonding, culture awareness/sensitivity, and other activities to prepare for our trip this summer.
As Khoi Ngo led the worship for us, I held out my hands high up in the air...in a posture of surrender to Our Father. I know that this is God's plan for me because:
1) at the missions report night last summer, I told myself that "I want to go on treX next summer! I want to be on the Costa Rica team!" Despite my initial desire to serve in Costa Rica, for some reason I didn't put Costa Rica as my top 3 choices on my application. Instead, I thought I'd try to be "brave and bold" so I wrote down South Africa, India, and Thailand. In the end, I was chosen to serve on the Costa Rica team.
2) I am leading our team!! God has prepared me to be a leader. I know that I can use the skills I have developed this year as a teacher. Dealing with the everyday challenges, surprises, and unknowns of a school environment, I am used to "dodging curve balls", making "on the spot" decisions, remaining patient, calm, and professional during circumstances, and being flexible when things don't go the way I planned or envisioned.
3) I have always wanted to go to Costa Rica and I missed out on an opportunity to teach at an international school last year. At the time, I didn't feel ready to leave the country. But now, I'm so excited to embrace all of Costa Rica: the people, the culture, and the environment.
During the ropes obstacle course activity, I felt so blessed to have my two teammates, Sara and Chung-in, by my side. There was a part on the obstacle course where I couldn't reach the next step and I really needed to depend on the two to carry me to it. I was scared... it was in that moment, I surrendered my pride and admitted that I needed their help. I kept faith that these two women would do their best to help me accomplish the task. I had to trust that they would do everything in their power to not let me fall.
It was an amazing feeling to know that I could trust my teammates. No matter how impossible the step had seemed to me, I knew that I could accomplish it with their help. I experienced the power of a team...the strength and ability to overcome fears or obstacles in the body of Christ.
During the rock-climbing part of the course, I was also supported by the voices from other treX team members. I heard them shouting my name and cheering me on as I took one step after another towards the top. It was an incredible feeling to know that I am not alone... and that my team is not alone. We (all of the treX teams) have each other for support and encouragement. We will all experience similar struggles, challenges, fears, joys, and praises. We're all in this together. As one body, united with the same Spirit and mind, we can do anything in Christ who lives in us and gives us strength.
*~Thanks guys for your love & support!~*
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